KingSpry congratulates the following attorneys who have been appointed or reappointed as solicitors or board members of local municipal entities for 2021:
Attorney Michael A. Gaul, chair of KingSpry’s Municipal Law Practice Group, was named solicitor of the Ross Township Planning Commission on January 4, 2021 at the Township Supervisor’s Meeting.
Attorney Kent Herman was re-appointed Chair of the Salisbury Township Zoning Hearing Board on January 5, 2021. Mr. Herman is a member of the firm’s Municipal Law and Litigation practice groups.
Attorney Avery E. Smith was elected to the Lower Macungie Zoning Hearing Board. Ms. Smith, a partner with the firm’s Employment, Estate and Education teams, had served previously as an alternate.
And Attorney Nicholas Noel, III, was retained for his 32nd year in the position as the Zoning Board solicitor in Palmer Township.
Congratulations to all!!