KingSpry has been a pioneer in developing unique and legally defensible means by which taxing authorities can preserve and grow their base.
For over a decade, KingSpry has partnered with its clients to actively review all properties within their boundaries to ensure uniformity and fair distribution of taxation.
Representing taxing authorities such as School Districts and municipalities, KingSpry’s Local Taxation and Assessment Appeals Group shepherds client-initiated appeals to help recoup lost revenues.
KingSpry’s Local Taxation and Assessment Appeals group helps public entities recoup lost tax revenues through real estate tax appeals, from filing the appeal with the Board of Assessors, to litigating the matter before the Court of Common Pleas, to handling any subsequent appeals before the Commonwealth Court or the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
Jonathan M. Huerta is KingSpry’s Local Taxation and Assessment Appeals Chair.
KingSpry is Solicitor to numerous political subdivisions that are also tax authorities, either under the authority of their own enabling act, or the Pennsylvania Local Tax Enabling Act. KingSpry also has a wealth of experience representing taxing authorities, specifically school districts, in all things tax assessment appeal related.
This experience includes:
- Board appearances
- Litigation before the trial courts
- Argument before the appellate courts
- Briefing filed with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court
- Monitoring of various emerging legislative initiatives
Further, KingSpry partner Jonathan Huerta oversees a program of school-district initiated tax appeals, sometimes referred to as reverse-appeals, to capture taxable value of properties increasing more rapidly in value relative to properties across the county. The program has saved districts across the Commonwealth more than $10 million dollars on an ongoing, annual basis.