In a case of first impression, (M.R.& J.R. on behalf of E.R. v Ridley School District, No. 12-4137, 3d Cir. Feb 20, 2014) the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit has held that the stay-put provision of the IDEA applies through the end of the appeals process. As a result, the Ridley School District was obliged to pay for nearly three years of private school tuition, despite … [Read more...] about Third Circuit Holds Stay-Put Provision of the IDEA Applies Through End of Appeals Process
KingSpry Blog
Research Shows That Gays and Lesbians Are As Effective In Parenting As Heterosexuals
A recent review entitled “Lesbian and Gay Parents and Determination of Child Custody: The Changing Legal Landscape and Implications for Policy and Practice” published in the American Association’s new journal, Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, released in March 2014, highlighted a recent gap in the law. The gap relates to custody matters involving families with lesbian and gay … [Read more...] about Research Shows That Gays and Lesbians Are As Effective In Parenting As Heterosexuals
All Families Can Be Superheroes
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. This issue affects more families than you might imagine, since all families experience stressful events that can increase the risk of abuse or neglect. Research has identified that the possibility that a child will experience abuse or neglect increases as the number of stressors placed on the family increase. Stressors can include parental depression, … [Read more...] about All Families Can Be Superheroes
The Recordings on the Bus Go Round and Round…. An Amendment to Pennsylvania’s Criminal Wiretap Law Authorizes Audio Recordings on School Vehicles.
Earlier this year, Governor Tom Corbett signed into law Act 9 of 2014 (“Act 9”), an amendment to the Pennsylvania Wiretap and Electronic Surveillance Control Act. This amendment expressly authorizes the use of audio surveillance equipment on school buses or school vehicles for disciplinary or security purposes and provides important clarifications of the law. This new legislation was, in part, … [Read more...] about The Recordings on the Bus Go Round and Round…. An Amendment to Pennsylvania’s Criminal Wiretap Law Authorizes Audio Recordings on School Vehicles.
Must Employers Offer Domestic Partner Health Insurance Benefits Post-Windsor?
Following the Supreme Court’s June 26, 2013 decision in United States v. Windsor, declaring the Defense of Marriage Act (“DOMA”) unconstitutional, employers have been rethinking employee benefits programs under expanded definitions of “spouse” and “dependent”. Although Windsor has employers thinking more broadly, it does not itself require employers to provide same-sex partner health insurance … [Read more...] about Must Employers Offer Domestic Partner Health Insurance Benefits Post-Windsor?
Proposed Changes to Wage and Overtime Pay Regulations of FLSA – Good or Bad for Businesses?
Last week, President Obama directed the Department of Labor to update the regulations that define which workers are entitled to minimum wage and overtime protection under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). His directives to raise the salary threshold and to revamp the “primary duty” test within the FLSA will likely have a significant impact on the business models that have been in place for most … [Read more...] about Proposed Changes to Wage and Overtime Pay Regulations of FLSA – Good or Bad for Businesses?