With the end of the third business quarter quickly approaching, many businesses have begun planning for the 2015 calendar year. One of the many existing or newly enacted regulations that they will have to comply with is the Employer Shared Responsibility Mandate (ESRM) portion of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ESRM provides that an employer with at least a certain … [Read more...] about Challenges of Compliance With the Employer Shared Responsibility Mandate
KingSpry Blog
What Do You Need To Know When Using A Known Egg Donor?
We get variations on this question all the time: “My friend is donating her eggs to me so my husband and I will be able to have a child. What kind of legal agreements do we need before we proceed?” Here are some things to keep in mind if you wish to use a Known Donor: A Known Donor is one that the Intended Parents may find on their own without the use of an agency for locating an Egg Donor, … [Read more...] about What Do You Need To Know When Using A Known Egg Donor?
Sexual Assaults on Campus: Is Congress Merely “Piling On”?
On July 30, 2014, National Public Radio (NPR) reported a bipartisan group of U.S Senators has proposed a bill to fine colleges for mismanaging campus rapes . . . up to one percent of their operating budgets . . . if they do not “investigate all possible incidents, provide advocates for victims, and conduct and make public the results of annual student surveys.” The House allegedly is following … [Read more...] about Sexual Assaults on Campus: Is Congress Merely “Piling On”?
The Freundian Slip: Free? Speech? Or Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things?” The answer is, says the Third Circuit, of course! The decision of the Third Circuit in the recently decided “I [heart] boobies” case has turned the First Amendment rules in … [Read more...] about The Freundian Slip: Free? Speech? Or Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast
Charter Schools: Different, But The Same
The Office for Civil Rights has issued a “Dear Colleague” letter dated May 14, 2014, that provides information to charter schools of their obligations under certain federal laws and to public school districts of their obligations to ensure the compliance with those federal laws of the charter schools they’ve authorized. In its letter, OCR underscored a charter school’s role as a laboratory for … [Read more...] about Charter Schools: Different, But The Same
We Made the List: What Do We Do Now?
Making “the list” can be a good thing. You may have made “the team;” you may have been named one of the “top ten” best…. But if you are one of the 55 colleges and universities from 27 states named on the May Day 2014 list of the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), you know that making the list is not a good thing. OCR is the federal agency that enforces Title IX, the federal law that prohibits … [Read more...] about We Made the List: What Do We Do Now?