Q. Do you know Pennsylvania’s LGBT Marriage Impact on Parentage? A. Due to same-sex marriage being recognized in Pennsylvania, gay parents now may be able to establish parentage of their children through marriage by the presumption of paternity (parentage) of a child born or conceived during the course of a marriage. Historically, second-parent adoptions, the adoption of a child by the unmarried … [Read more...] about Now That LGBTs Can Legally Be Wed in Pennsylvania, What About the Kids?
KingSpry Blog
Are Your Employees Holding Your Company’s Next Security Breach in the Palm of Their Hand? What Your Company Needs to Do to Keep Smart Phones Secure
Go anywhere these days and you will see people on smart phones. In fact, many companies require employees to have a smart phone so they can communicate with customers and people in the company, no matter where they are, almost instantly. However, with such devices also come security concerns. It is important that employers take steps to secure information that is transmitted through smart phones … [Read more...] about Are Your Employees Holding Your Company’s Next Security Breach in the Palm of Their Hand? What Your Company Needs to Do to Keep Smart Phones Secure
Four Resolutions for Starting or Growing Your Family in the New Year
The beginning of a new year is a great time to take a few moments to plan to make the most of the opportunities that will come. Below are some suggested resolutions to get you started: Get Informed Learn about all the many avenues available for growing your family. These include adoption from private agencies and through foster care, within the United States and internationally. If you struggle … [Read more...] about Four Resolutions for Starting or Growing Your Family in the New Year
Keeping Up With Child Abuse Laws In A Post-Sandusky World: A Practical Legal Guide for Schools
Confused about the Child Protective Services Law amendments? Ready to pull your hair out thinking about employee clearances and background checks? Having panic attacks about new legal compliance related to volunteers in your school? You are not alone. In what can be legitimately termed the Post-Sandusky era, the landscape of mandated reporting and child abuse protection/prevention has just … [Read more...] about Keeping Up With Child Abuse Laws In A Post-Sandusky World: A Practical Legal Guide for Schools
New Guidance for Programs to Assist English Learners
On January 7, the Office for Civil Rights and the Department of Justice issued joint guidance in the form of a Dear Colleague Letter to clarify the obligation of school districts to ensure equal access to education for English language learners. Federal Law Requires Equal Access Federal statistics indicate that English Learner (EL) students are enrolled in three out of four school districts and … [Read more...] about New Guidance for Programs to Assist English Learners
Be Careful What Your Syllabus Promises!
A district court in New Mexico recently denied the University of New Mexico’s motion to dismiss a suit brought by a student disciplined for condemning lesbianism in a reflection paper for a course. The syllabus for the course, “Images of (Wo)men: Icons and Iconoclasts,” had advertised “controversy built right into the syllabus.” At first, the court’s decision may be a no-brainer, but the professor … [Read more...] about Be Careful What Your Syllabus Promises!