Many of our clients have had questions regarding their duty to consider an employee’s request for reasonable accommodations in connection with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). It is worth revisiting some things that employers should keep in mind. First, your managers and supervisors need to be trained so that they recognize when an employee might be asking for an accommodation, even … [Read more...] about Seven Simple Ways to Succeed With the ADA Interactive Process
KingSpry Blog
The Department of Labor Releases New Regulations Redefining “Spouse” Post-DOMA
During the days of the Defense of Marriage Act (“DOMA”), an employer was not required to provide their employees with time off from work to care for their same-sex partner. As a result of the United States Supreme Court’s June 2013 decision in United States v. Windsor, however, one of the many meaningful impacts on marriage equality has been more inclusive employee benefits. One such benefit is … [Read more...] about The Department of Labor Releases New Regulations Redefining “Spouse” Post-DOMA
What Health Insurance and Employment Issues to Keep in Mind When Considering Infertility Treatments
Q. What legal issues come into play with regards to infertility and infertility treatments as it relates to Health Insurance and Employment Law? In recognition of National Infertility Awareness Week (April 21-27, 2015), here are some legal issues associated with infertility and infertility treatments as it relates to Health Insurance Law and Employment Law. A. In Pennsylvania, there is no law … [Read more...] about What Health Insurance and Employment Issues to Keep in Mind When Considering Infertility Treatments
Court Continues Injunction Regarding Disclosure of Employee Addresses Under RTKL
As you know, we have been closely following this story and are trying to keep everyone informed as it develops. Here is the bottom line. On March 17, 2015, the Commonwealth Court has entered an order that continues the injunction against disclosure of employee home addresses, provided that the injunction will remain in effect only until either: (1) 15 days from today if neither party files a … [Read more...] about Court Continues Injunction Regarding Disclosure of Employee Addresses Under RTKL
Commonwealth Court Reinstates Injunction Regarding Disclosure of Home Addresses Under RTK Law
As indicated in School Law Bullet 150 this past week, on February 18, the Commonwealth Court determined that the Right to Know Law is so procedurally flawed that it violates the rights of individuals to participate when a record containing their home address is requested. The Court directed school districts to notify individuals when such records are requested to enable them to present reasons … [Read more...] about Commonwealth Court Reinstates Injunction Regarding Disclosure of Home Addresses Under RTK Law
Commonwealth Court Issues Decision on Disclosure of Home Addresses Under Right To Know Law
On February 18, the Commonwealth Court determined that the Right to Know Law is so procedurally flawed that it violates the rights of individuals to participate when a record containing their home address is requested. Therefore, the Court now requires notice to individuals when such records are requested, and a full opportunity for them to be heard. The Very Short Version of the Facts This case … [Read more...] about Commonwealth Court Issues Decision on Disclosure of Home Addresses Under Right To Know Law