UPDATE: (10/1/20) The Third Circuit has temporarily reinstated Governor Wolf’s gathering size limits while the Commonwealth appeals the Pittsburgh district court’s ruling in the County of Butler case that they are unconstitutional. Some school districts, relying on the district court’s ruling, had been allowing high school football games to be played in front of crowds. While Governor Wolf has … [Read more...] about Weighing Risk at the Line of Scrimmage: Who Has the Authority to Limit School Events?
KingSpry Blog
Where Does Stickman Court Decision Leave Businesses and Restaurants Now?
Recently, a federal judge in Pittsburgh ruled that certain preventative actions taken by Governor Wolf during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic were unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge William S. Stickman IV held Governor Wolf’s stay-at-home and business closure orders, as well as his indoor/outdoor gathering restrictions, violated the First Amendment and the Due Process and Equal … [Read more...] about Where Does Stickman Court Decision Leave Businesses and Restaurants Now?
Recent Federal Court Decision Holding Wolf’s Limit on Crowd Size Unconstitutional Has No Impact on Public Schools
This past week, a federal judge in Pittsburgh ruled the orders issued by Governor Tom Wolf amid the shutdown in Pennsylvania during quarantine were unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge William S. Stickman held Gov. Wolf’s orders limiting indoor and outdoor gatherings as well as closing nonessential businesses were in violation of the First Amendment right to Freedom of Assembly and the Due … [Read more...] about Recent Federal Court Decision Holding Wolf’s Limit on Crowd Size Unconstitutional Has No Impact on Public Schools
As the Pandemic Continues, Divorce Rates are Increasing – A Coincidence or Correlation?
This global pandemic comes with lasting effects on almost every aspect of our lives. Sadly, this also includes stress and strain on marriages. At the outset of COVID-19, divorces and other legal proceedings were postponed because of the lockdowns and shelter-in-place orders around the country. While there is no specific evidence pointing to the correlation between the current divorce filings and … [Read more...] about As the Pandemic Continues, Divorce Rates are Increasing – A Coincidence or Correlation?
PDE Issues Updated FAQs Regarding Provision of Special Education Services
Whether the plan is a full in-person model, blended learning model, or full remote model, there will inevitably be unforeseen circumstances as school entities implement their 2020-2021 reopening plans. School Teams will need to regularly review and revise safety protocols and programming as changing governmental guidance and directives are issued. Many school districts changed their re-opening … [Read more...] about PDE Issues Updated FAQs Regarding Provision of Special Education Services
CDC Halts Residential Evictions for Non-Payment of Rent Through December 31, 2020
After much speculation as to what, if any, restrictions would apply to residential evictions in Pennsylvania after Governor Wolf’s eviction moratorium expired on August 31st, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has announced an order which provides for a temporary halt to residential evictions to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. What impact does this CDC order have on residential … [Read more...] about CDC Halts Residential Evictions for Non-Payment of Rent Through December 31, 2020