On December 7, 2017 the U.S. Department of Education issued a document titled “Questions and Answers (Q&A) on U.S. Supreme Court Case Decision Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District Re-1.” The document originated from the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS), which invites public comments. The Q&A attempts to explain to parents and stakeholders the issues … [Read more...] about U.S. Department of Education Issues New Q&A on What Constitutes FAPE
NO SHAME: General Assembly Does Away With School Shaming at Lunchtime
On November 6, 2017, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed Act 55, a wide-ranging amendment to the Pennsylvania School Code. One section impacted by Act 55 is School Code Section 1337, which governs the administration of the Nonprofit School Food Program. This program includes the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. As a way of reducing the stigma that can sometimes … [Read more...] about NO SHAME: General Assembly Does Away With School Shaming at Lunchtime
DOL Proposes Regulations That May Give More Freedom for Businesses with Tipped Employees
The United States Department of Labor (“DOL”) today announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that gives employers, such as casinos, restaurants, and pubs, more discretion in rewarding the hard work of their “behind the scenes” employees who do not normally receive tips. Giving employers freedom to connect merit and pay for more employees may have the effect of helping to drive business growth and … [Read more...] about DOL Proposes Regulations That May Give More Freedom for Businesses with Tipped Employees
Game On: Commonwealth Court Allows Concussion Lawsuit to Proceed Against PIAA
In Hites, et al. v. Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association, Inc., the three plaintiffs were student-athletes at different high schools in Pennsylvania. The plaintiffs claimed that while each participated in their respective sports, (two played football, one played softball and volleyball,) they suffered serious head trauma and concussions that went undiagnosed and untreated by athletic … [Read more...] about Game On: Commonwealth Court Allows Concussion Lawsuit to Proceed Against PIAA
Feds Flip Flop On Title IX Protections
In a brief three-page document issued September 22, 2017, the Trump administration accomplished the destruction of two Obama-era legal concepts that appeared anathema to the new administration: (1) Title IX protection for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students, and (2) the requirement that educational institutions receiving federal funding use the preponderance of evidence standard in … [Read more...] about Feds Flip Flop On Title IX Protections
Today’s the Day: Pennsylvania Opens Adoptee Access To Original Birth Records
Adoptees born in Pennsylvania now have access to their original birth record information. The law, signed by the governor on November 3, 2016, allows adult adoptees to apply to the Department of Health for a non-certified copy of their original birth record. Birth parents can choose to have their name redacted from the original birth information. However, if a birth parent chooses to have his … [Read more...] about Today’s the Day: Pennsylvania Opens Adoptee Access To Original Birth Records