Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in all educational institutions receiving federal funding. On May 6, 2020, in the midst of the school closings due to Covid-19, Betsy DeVos and the Department of Education issued new Title IX Regulations promised by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) on September 22, 2017. The proposed regulations were published in the Federal Register on … [Read more...] about How New Title IX Regulations Will Impact All K-12 Schools
ACLU Fires First Volley Against Betsy DeVos and Dept of Ed over New Title IX Rules
Days after the announcement of the new Title IX Regulations, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed its lawsuit on behalf of plaintiffs “Know Your Title IX,” the “Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates,” “Girls for Gender Equity,” and “Stop Sexual Assault in Schools,” all advocacy organizations for alleged victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault in schools receiving federal … [Read more...] about ACLU Fires First Volley Against Betsy DeVos and Dept of Ed over New Title IX Rules
Department of Education Issues New Title IX Regulations, Finally
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in all educational institutions receiving federal funding. On May 6, 2020, in the midst of the school closings due to COVID-19, Betsy DeVos and the Department of Education issued new regulations promised by the then-Acting Assistant Director of the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) Candice Jackson on September 22, 2017. Unlike OCR’s previous “Dear … [Read more...] about Department of Education Issues New Title IX Regulations, Finally
What Should I Do If I Receive an Economic Impact Payment for a Deceased Individual?
In late March, Congress passed the CARES Act as a way to provide some economic relief to businesses, families, and individuals impacted by the COVID-19 health crisis. One part of the CARES Act included direct Economic Impact Payments to qualified individuals. As a result, most Americans have or will receive a check from the U.S. Treasury in the amount of $1,200 for each adult, and an additional … [Read more...] about What Should I Do If I Receive an Economic Impact Payment for a Deceased Individual?
HR Law Update: Three FAQ’s for Managing Temperature Screenings in the COVID-19 Era
As employers plan to reenter the workplace, the value of protective options must be weighed against the cost of disruption. One protective option is temperature screening. Here are 3 frequently asked questions and answers to support you, as a business leader, in developing and implementing temperature screening protocols. Question #1: Is temperature screening legally required? Answer: Generally … [Read more...] about HR Law Update: Three FAQ’s for Managing Temperature Screenings in the COVID-19 Era
Act 13 and Act 15 Bolster Flexibility for Pennsylvania Schools
Earlier this year, Governor Wolf signed Act 13, which provided several forms of relief for school entities throughout the Commonwealth. Most recently, the General Assembly enacted further relief for schools through Act 15. Together, these Acts have bolstered the flexibility required for schools to continue services, where possible, and maintain operations. Act 13 KingSpry thoroughly analyzed each … [Read more...] about Act 13 and Act 15 Bolster Flexibility for Pennsylvania Schools