November is National Adoption Month!
If you have not noticed, the media is alight with articles about adoption issues these days. These range from the Portraits of an Adoption series sponsored by to local news coverage about adoption issues.
My current favorite is the very well-reasoned response of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute to the recent Reuters series on “re-homing” of adopted children. The report presents information relevant to the needs of children experiencing foster placement, which is the original purpose of National Adoption Month. At the end, there are links to other excellent responses to the Reuters piece.
More importantly, the CCAI argues persuasively for a balanced view of the adoption stories that make the news all year long. Adoption is undeniably a business, whether we like it or not. Adoption also is undeniably a personal journey for the children and families affected by that business. Let us all endeavor not to forget the children and strive to ensure that their needs come first, and are fully met.
heARTbeat is a publication of the KingSpry Adoption/ART Law Practice Group. It is meant to be informational and does not constitute legal advice.