Considering building your family through assisted reproduction? You may be wondering about financing options such as loans, fundraising, crowd-sourcing and applying for grants.
Cost of assisted reproduction can range from least invasive and cheaper options such as artificial insemination and a few thousand per round, to more extensive options at the price of just one round of IVF that could very likely exceed most household costs of healthcare for the year.
Since most health insurance plans do not cover assisted reproduction, and most states also do not mandate insurance plans that cover fertility, most family formation options require financing for individuals to start families by assisted reproductive technology.
To address these needs of families and financing, many specialists and clinics offer options for families with discounted rates on multiple rounds to make options more affordable.
Some traditional options have always been borrowing or transferring funds from savings and retirement accounts, borrowing money from family and friends and working additional jobs to afford fertility treatments. As a result of this need in our society, loan markets have developed special loans for assisted reproduction to this road to parenthood, offering fertility credit with doctors and clinics assisting in distribution, while other lenders serve customers of particular fertility service providers. This is also a highly used market for obtaining donor eggs financing and non-traditional family financing for same-sex couples.
Other companies are now also focusing on assisting in fundraising and crowd-sourcing for financing of fertility treatments. You may often see a Go Fund Me account on Facebook to help for fertility treatments or adoptions, which is similar in concept to raising funds for fertility treatments. Proceeding through a verified company is best so as to avoid any issues of impropriety.
Another option is grant funding such as the Family Formation Charitable Trust
The Trust was created to build new families through adoption and assisted reproductive technology created by the American Academy of Adoption Attorneys along with the Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys, whose grants range among $500 to $2,000 for individuals and couples seeking to build their families through assisted means.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
As assisted reproduction becomes a much more advanced and viable option for family formation, it seems that financing avenues are also starting to catch up to allow families to grow through various financing options.
heARTbeat is a publication of KingSpry’s Adoption Law and Assisted Reproductive Technology Law Practice Group. It is meant to be informational and does not constitute legal advice.