April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. This issue affects more families than you might imagine, since all families experience stressful events that can increase the risk of abuse or neglect.
Research has identified that the possibility that a child will experience abuse or neglect increases as the number of stressors placed on the family increase. Stressors can include parental depression, substance abuse, health concerns, domestic violence and poverty.
Research also indicates that all families are strengthened and function more positively when protective factors exist. Protective factors increase safety, stability and nurturing relationships within the home and include parental resilience, social connections, knowledge of child development and parenting skills, concrete supports to address needs, and social-emotional competence of the children. As social services agencies have moved away from an approach focusing on elimination of risk factors to increase the presence of protective factors, the negative impact of the risk factors has been demonstrated to decrease.
All parents experience stress as they raise their children. This month especially, consider your sources of information and support. If you need help, ask for it. If you see someone struggling, offer help. Participate in community events and encourage your children to make friends. Then, let the benefits encourage you to do more!
More information about child abuse prevention month and the protective factors can be found online at:
heARTbeat is a publication of the KingSpry Adoption/ART Law Practice Group. It is meant to be informational and does not constitute legal advice.