Please note: KingSpry/Greyfriars Institute programs and webinars are meant to be informational and do not constitute legal advice, nor does attendance create an attorney-client relationship.
Based on the results of a comprehensive study of some of the most popular (and sometimes non-traditional) ways that schools across the nation are raising revenue, this 2.5-hour session presents unique and practical methods schools are raising additional funding. In addition to examining the trends, we will review them from a legal-defensibility standpoint, analyzing each major trend and providing recommendations, solutions and, in some cases, warnings. This session provides an entertaining and informative look at the benefits, practicalities and pitfalls of many of today’s revenue-boosting trends, from the common and practical to the zany and imaginative.
Lunch is on your own. Call 610-332-0390 to register or email for more information.
See Past Events for links to workshop recordings or visit our YouTube channel.